Luxe Furniture & Homewares

Grand Perfumed Ivory White Roses Bouquet


This magnificent life-like Cote Noire rose arrangement has been set in a gel infused with a fine fragrance. Each flower is skillfully hand crafted & uses a special, natural coating to give every petal a natural touch & appearance. Complemented by rose petal and rose oud perfume then beautifully packaged in a pink ribboned gift boxed. Enclosed with your natural touch roses is two 10ml bottles of scented perfume. 

Dimensions (approx): H: 29cm x W: 30cm x D: 30cm.

Vase: H: 16 cm x W: 12.5cm x D: 12.5cm

Enclosed fragrances:

1 x 10ml Rose Petal: Young and fragrant rose petals warmed by the afternoon sun. Top notes of pink rose layered with notes of peony and iris. A fresh, innocent scent tamed with lingering notes of hibiscus.

1 x 10ml Rose Oud: Young and fragrant rose Oud warmed by the afternoon sun. A rich and innocent scent tamed with lingering notes of hibiscus.

We make every effort to accurately display our products. Our images are taken in bright daylight, colours will vary due to lighting and as to how they appear on your screen.  

Care Instructions:

Cote noire recommend rinsing your flower arrangement from time to time to clean the dust off the petals and keep the fabric of the arrangement moist. It is also recommended to spray the petals with water on a regular basis to minimise the petals from drying out.

Only use Cote Noire perfume sprays as they are tested to not stain the fabric of the petals.

Keep away from direct sunlight.