Luxe Furniture & Homewares

French Pink Tea Rose Bouquet


This beautiful life-like rose arrangement has been set in a gel infused with fine fragrance. Each flower is skillfully hand crafted & uses a special, natural coating to give every petal a natural touch & appearance. Set in a teardrop clear glass vase with silver badge, complemented by Charente rose and rose petal perfume then beautifully presented in a ribboned gift boxed. Enclosed with your natural touch tea rose is two 5ml bottles of scented perfume. 

Dimensions (approx): H: 25cm x D: 20cm W: 20cm 

Vase diameter 10cm. 

Colour: French Pink

Care Instructions:

Cote noire recommend rinsing your flower arrangement from time to time to clean the dust off the petals and keep the fabric of the arrangement moist. It is also recommended to spray the petals with water on a regular basis to minimise the petals from drying out.

Only use Cote Noire perfume sprays as they are tested to not stain the fabric of the petals.

Keep away from direct sunlight.